Friday, February 4, 2011

A moment's peace...and random thoughts

My kids are sleeping. 

Charlie ate two whole dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets for lunch and then asked for his baaaa.  He went right to bed as usual without a fuss or a fight but with his baaa, his blankie, his BoBo (bear) and a truck. 
Jimmie has been asleep for a while.  He had to wear a sweatshirt and a coat because we went out to get the oil changed, and he hates clothes.  The wonderful world of autism...undiagnosed, but who do they think they are kidding?  Anyway he was really good at the dealership, but a holy terror at the grocery store, thanks to the clothes and the flourescent lights.  When we got home, he wouldn't walk to the door and made me fall into a snow bank.  He screamed for another hour or so, even though I took off the coat and hoodie as soon as possible.  Finally I just sat with him, much to Charlie's chagrin because he has major issues sharing Mommy ever since he has turned two.  He cuddled down into my arm on the couch and fell asleep. 

That leaves me with a moment's peace.  Two sleeping children!  It so rarely happens! 

I should make better use of my time.  I should fold the mountain of laundry.  But I know very well, I'll never finish it before one or both of them wake up and they'll just unfold everything and make the mountain worse.  So instead, I watched The Young and The Restless and The Talk.  Eh, The Bold and The Beautiful was on there in the middle, but I don't really care for it but am too lazy to change the channel.

I worked on our taxes some.  But there isn't much more I can do.  My aunt has to give me the K-1 information.  I love her dearly, but the K-1 is a yearly bone of contention.  By law, we're supposed to get all tax information before the end of January, but she never gets the information until much, much later.  I'm sure the lawyer has the information by the end of January, and that's how they get away with it.  She has to make an appointment with him to get the K-1's, and I feel in my heart that it really isn't her fault.  I understand that, but wow, we need the money.  Our check engine light just came on.  The diagnostic says it's something with the cooling fan.  We have an extended warranty on the vehicle, but there is a deductible...$500 I think.  And we need new tires and new brakes, another $1000 easily.  It's not something that can really wait.  I NEED THAT INFORMATION NOW.  Oh well, it's beyond my control at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Lacy. You will love it.Such a wonderful therapeutic tool.

