Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brrrrrr It's Cold Outside said it was -22 this morning.  It was a misprint.  But don't get too excited.  It was really -8 with a windchill of -22.  Oh how I miss Virginia.

Last January when we left for Jimmie's Make-A-Wish trip to Florida, at the moment that the limo pulled out of our driveway, it was -9.   I wish we could do it again.  Florida was so much more comfortable.

When I first moved here, the winters were not that bad.  A few inches of snow.  Over at the regular time.  Not too cold.  David said it was unusually warm. 

So now we have the normal Northern Illinois winter, at least for the last 3.  And I am not liking it so much.  I don't mind a little snow.  I don't mind a little cold.  I liked being one of those people who thought, "Well once it is freezing it can't really feel all that much colder.  Freezing is freezing, right?"  UH.  NO,  Believe me you absolutely can feel the difference between -8 and 32 degrees.  At -8, you walk outside and your fingers instantly start to hurt, even if you are wearing gloves. 

So here I am, sitting in my living room, shivering, wrapped in a blanket, wishing for Florida, or even Virginia.  Did somebody say something about global warming?  Can't prove it by the blanket of solid ice coating my driveway.  Or that pile of snow covering my mailbox.  Or my poor stinging fingers.

Brrrrrrr.  It's cold outside.

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