Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Prince Jimmie (or it's okay to be non-verbal)

I shared a story I tell Jimmie recently with another IS mommy.  She was upset that her child was showing signs of distress and because he is non-verbal and unable to communicate the problem she felt rather like she was floundering, not helping him, not meeting his needs, not knowing what else to do to help him, and feeling useless as his mother.  It's a feeling we all, any parent of a non-verbal child, know too well. There are times when Jimmie will scream, and I simply cannot find the reason for it.  He has his milk.  He has a clean diaper.  He has no obvious wound.  He hasn't fallen.  He's just crying.  Or worse...he's crying and hitting himself (or banging his head on a wall or floor).  He did this for a month and a half this year, pretty much all day long.  I knew he was in pain.  I just couldn't find the source.  We took him to the dentist.  His teeth were fine.  We took him to the doctor, who agreed, there were no obvious wounds or broken bones.  He had a CT scan to confirm no head damage.  Normal.  We took blood samples to test for infections.  Normal.  In the end, David noted that Jimmie was burping a lot.  So we added prevacid to his daily meds regimen.  The screaming stopped.  Ahhhh.  Of course, this still happens on a smaller scale quite regularly.  Jimmie simply is unable to communicate what is wrong.  One day I lay down in bed with him and told him this story to help him understand.  I don't know if it helped him, but it certainly helps me. 

"Once upon a time there was a young Prince named Jimmie. Prince Jimmie was very well loved by his mommy and daddy and brother. And they tried to give him everything he needed. But Prince Jimmie couldn't talk or communicate what he needed. But he has a special friend in God, and God knows what Prince Jimmie needs and will provide it, even though Jimmie can't speak.  God knows Jimmie's every thought and want and need.  And God loves Jimmie as one of his greatest creations.  See God made Jimmie...and Mommy and Daddy and Charlie and everything...and gave Prince Jimmie to Mommy and Daddy to care for and love.  God knew Prince Jimmie even before he was born or even formed.  And God never leaves Prince Jimmie.   God tells mommy and daddy and Charlie what Prince Jimmie wants and needs. But sometimes they can't hear God so well and it takes time. But in the end they will understand.  It's okay for Prince Jimmie to cry.  It lets mommy and daddy know he needs something.  It lets them know they need to listen to God and trust God to help them understand him.  And it's okay for Mommy and Daddy to try and teach Prince Jimmie to communicate with them too.  It's hard for Prince Jimmie to do, when the world is so loud and bright and confusing, but God is with them all, guiding them. "