Charlie is such a great gift to Jimmie. I believe that wholeheartedly.
After Jimmie was born, as I sat in my hospital bed, holding my perfect newborn son, I knew I would be back. David wasn't so sure. But I knew it.
Then the months passed and milestones were missed, and seizures and therapies and doctors became a way of life. And my husband went from not being sure that a second child was needed to being scared to death to have one. And as those fears rose in him, a different fear rose in me: "What if we don't have a second child?" Seriously, we were old. I was 38 when Jimmie was born. David was 35. Who is going to take care of him, like we would take care of him? And in the end my fear replaced David's fear in his heart too. And so, as my 40th birthday gift, we agreed to try again. A month later I was pregnant. If only it had been so easy with Jimmie. If only...
I would be lying if I said I didn't have fears of a second child with Jimmie's issues, but in the end, the thought of Jimmie being alone in this world was more than I could muster. And I would be lying if I didn't say that I watched Charlie like a hawk every day for a year, asking if every movement was a seizure. I did that. Praise the Lord, they never were. Then Charlie didn't speak as he should. Isolated Speech Delay. I worried a little...well a lot I guess. But the delay became less and less more and more quickly. I don't worry anymore. I just want to give him every opportunity to catch up. He dances. But he doesn't sing. I try, but no singing. I think that is part of the speech delay. He'll get it. I know he will.
Tonight, my boys played together. It was wonderful to behold. Charlie and Jimmie ran through this house, giggling and chasing each other room to room, tackling each other with hugs and body slams. You'd think they watched WWE or something. I promise you they don't. But they wrestled and chased and giggled and hugged all evening. And it occurred to me that Jimmie was totally present for the game. Jimmie was participating. Jimmie was reciprocating. Jimmie was a five year old. Charlie is such a gift. Play harder my men. Play harder. I love you both so much.
This is beautiful. I have a strong belief that everything, including people happen as it is suppose to all in the right time, Gods time that is. Life is so beautiful, the small things that go unnoticed by most people are so wonderful to behold to the parents of special needs kids. I have had moments this summer as well. I pray that Charlie brings more of these moments out for you. Your an awesome mom with lots more to come.