Monday, December 31, 2012

Black eye peas for a prosperous New Year

It's true.  It actually is a tradition.  Black eye peas for a prosperous New Year.  And it has been passed along down from our line out of Tennessee.  It is a Southern thing after all.  I've read that it started during the civil war.  I only know that my mother (whose mother was a Ford - and yes one of those Fords - those two brothers who murdered Jessie James were her great uncles) had to have them every New Year's day.  It was as much a part of our celebration as watching the ball fall the night before.  And I am a stern taskmaster of keeping tradition.  My husband refuses to eat them.  Fine.  I'll take all the prosperity for myself.  Besides I actually like them.

This year, I am going whole hog (so to speak).  I actually bought the dried bag of black eye peas.  Yesterday, I cooked a delicious honey glazed ham.  Tonight, the beans and the ham bone will go in the crock pot with some onion and celery and chicken stock for a nice long simmer.  I defy anyone to not want to eat these black eye peas.  Yum. 

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